Gebruik van Cookies
Cookies set by the site
Zoals de meeste websites maakt ook deze website gebruik van cookies. Cookies zijn onschadelijke kleine tekstbestanden die geen enkele invloed hebben op uw privacy, noch op de beveiliging van uw computer.
Cookies verhogen het comfort van de gebruiker op de site en laten de uitgever toe anonieme statistische gegevens in te zamelen over het websitebezoek.
De uitgever informeert de gebruiker erover dat de site gebruik maakt van cookies om het gebruikscomfort van de site te verhogen door de prestaties te verbeteren en statistieken op te stellen over het websitebezoek.
Vermits de site niet kan werken zonder gebruik te maken van deze cookies, worden alle gebruikers die niet akkoord gaan met het gebruik ervan verzocht om hun browsersessie op de site onmiddellijk te beëindigen.
Om te achterhalen hoe u cookies op uw computer kunt verbieden of wissen, kunt u terecht in de documentatie van uw browser.
Gebruik van Google Analytics
Deze website maakt gebruik van Google Analytics, een webanalyse-service die wordt aangeboden door Google Inc. ('Google'). Google Analytics maakt gebruik van 'cookies' (tekstbestandjes die op Uw computer worden geplaatst) om de website te helpen analyseren hoe gebruikers de site gebruiken. De door het cookie gegenereerde informatie over Uw gebruik van de website (met inbegrip van Uw IP-adres) wordt overgebracht naar en door Google opgeslagen op servers in de Verenigde Staten. Google gebruikt deze informatie om bij te houden hoe u de website gebruikt, rapporten over de website-activiteit op te stellen voor website-exploitanten en andere diensten aan te bieden met betrekking tot website-activiteit en internetgebruik.
Google mag deze informatie aan derden verschaffen indien Google hiertoe wettelijk wordt verplicht, of voor zover deze derden de informatie namens Google verwerken. Google zal Uw IP-adres niet combineren met andere gegevens waarover Google beschikt.
U kunt het gebruik van cookies weigeren door in Uw browser de daarvoor geëigende instellingen te kiezen. Wij wijzen u er echter op dat u in dat geval wellicht niet alle mogelijkheden van deze website kunt benutten. Door gebruik te maken van deze website geeft u toestemming voor het verwerken van de informatie door Google op de wijze en voor de doeleinden zoals hiervoor omschreven.
Google Conversion Tracking
The publisher uses the advertising platform Google Ads, a service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”), to promote its business by displaying ads on Google’s own and affiliated websites. In order to measure the success of and optimize those advertising campaigns, the publisher makes use of Google conversion-tracking feature. By clicking on one of the publisher’s ads displayed by Google AdWords, a cookie is placed on the user’s device. This cookie expires after 30 days and its purpose is not to personally identify the user. During the validity of the cookie, by visiting the publisher’s website, Google and the publisher are able to associate the originating ad with the users’ visit, which remains otherwise anonymous.
Conversion Tracking allows the publisher to collect statistical and anonymous information about how his advertising campaigns perform. Neither the publisher, Google, nor any third-party Google Ads advertiser will by this be able to personally identify the user.
The user may refuse the use of Google Ads conversion tracking by disabling cookies in his browser. Cf. Cookies Settings below.
Google Ads Remarketing
The publisher uses Google Ads Remarketing, a service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”), to advertise the publisher on third-party websites or apps. Google AdWords Remarketing will display relevant ads tailored to the user based on what parts of the publisher’s website the user has viewed by placing a cookie on the user’s device. This cookie does not contain any personal data and its purpose is not to personally identify the user.
Google Ads Remarketing allows the publisher to tailor its marketing to better suit the user’s needs and only display ads that are relevant to the user.
The user may refuse the use of Google Ads Remarketing by disabling cookies in his browser. Cf. Cookies Settings below. Alternatively, the user may permanently disable Google Ads Remarketing by using a browser plugin Google provides for most browsers at
More information about Google Ads Remarketing can be found at
Use of Google Maps
The site may use Google Maps API in order to visually display geographical information. By using Google Maps, data about map usage is collected, stored in cookies and transferred to Google. More information about data processing by Google can be found in the Google Privacy statement. This is where the user can modify his or her personal privacy settings for Google services.
Embedded Youtube Videos
The site may contain embedded videos hosted on YouTube, operated by YouTube LLC CA, USA. When visiting a page containing an embedded YouTube video, information about the user’s view and usage of this video is collected, stored in cookies and transferred to YouTube. If the user’s browser is authenticated to YouTube, the user’s personal identification may also be transferred to YouTube.
The user may avoid this personal identification by logging out of YouTube before using the site.
Embedded Facebook Plug-Ins
The publisher uses the Facebook Plugin, a service provided by the social media network facebook, Inc. (“Facebook”).
When the user visits a page containing an embedded Facebook Plugin (feed, Like buttons, sharing buttons), the plugin’s files are loaded from Facebook servers and Facebook will thereby obtain information about the users IP address, the page he visited as well the date, time of this visit.
In case the user’s browser has previously logged in to the users account on the the website, Facebook will be able to identify the user and associate his visit to the publisher’s website to his account. Also, any interaction of the user with the Facebook plugin is tracked by Facebook and may be published on the users Facebook profile.
The user may refuse this behavior by logging out of prior to his visit of the publisher’s website, or by making use of a browser add-on blocking the tracking by Facebook.
More information about Facebook’s privacy policy and opt-out options can be found at
Cookie Settings
As the site cannot operate without the use of the publisher’s cookies, the publisher requests the user who declines cookies to leave the site and abandon their browsing session on the site immediately.
The user may refuse the use of some third-parties or partners’ cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in the browser. In this case the user may not be able to take advantage of certain features, services, applications or tools of the site. To change the cookies’ settings in the browser, the user should refer to the browser documentation.